I was lucky enough to get a package from Scribner today with two amazing books inside. First, the latest Richard Jury novel from Martha Grimes. I have been a huge Grimes fan since my mother-in-law handed me THE OLD SILENT in the early 90s and asked if I'd like to read it. I knew nothing of Grimes then, but I read a few chapters and was hooked--and I've loved Jury and Melrose Plant and Aunt Agatha ever since.
Naturally, then, I'm very excited to read VERTIGO 42, in which Richard Jury investigates a death long past, yet not forgotten.
Added to this bounty is MR. MERCEDES, the new and much-lauded Stephen King novel.
How can I lose with this sort of talent offering new doses of suspense and adventure? Thank you, Scribner, for my latest summer reading.