But this picture is how summer FEELS--more leisurely, more warm and languid, more slow-moving. Summer is the chance to re-group, to avoid the constant hassle of scheduling one's life into the tiny little boxes that mean endless meetings, classes, obligations of the school year.
Tomorrow I return to that school year. Back to teaching, back to preparation, back to the occasional stress headache. It's fun, it's rewarding, but it's hard work. (See my previous blog about the life of an English teacher). On Wednesday evenings it's back to grad school and the reading with which I can barely keep up (not to mention keeping up with the tuition!).
So going back is necessary, but it's frightening. And those palm trees look farther away every time I look at them.
Good luck, Julia!
Thanks, Bill. I shall face the day like an intrepid warrior. :)
Are you at the cabin?
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