Summer is speeding right along and I am searching for ways to make it memorable for my boys. We've seen a few of the blockbuster movies (Ratatouillie was wonderful!) but of course I want to do more than that. I would love to take them traveling, but budgeting and scheduling don't permit much of that. Today we're going to tour the only running water mill in the U.S. That sounds interesting, but . . . .
If anyone has a good summer fun suggestion, be sure to let me know. We've got nothing but time for a few weeks, and then suddenly we'll have no time at all. Ah, summer. Thank goodness for it.
I'm assuming you've taken them to the Noteabeart Museum in downtown Chicago? We saw it last month. It's mostly for kids, but we enjoyed it.
Camping in the back yard? (With dad supervising, of course)
Have fun. We're hoping to take our grands camping in a couple of weeks.
I also love the Notebeart - especially the open butterflies area. Brookfield is also always a winner.
My 4 year old and family also loved Ratatouille. I already ordered a couple books and the cookbook from that movie.
Ok, so I am presuming your recent outing was to Graue Mill. If that was not too bad of a drive for you, I would check into the Kaleidoscope Children's Center in the Western Springs Rec Center. Here, for as little as $25 kids can have classes in art, science, cooking, spanish, even enrichment in math. The best class from my 2 experts, who are now teens but spent many a summer there, is dissecting a squid! Here's the website www.kscopeclasses.com. The classes are basically 1-1 1/2 hours in length...so mom gets to run her errands, while the kids have a ball and get to tell you all about it when you pick them up.
Mary Beth
Thanks, Lonnie. I must admit I've never heard of Noteabeart.
Amy, I didn't know there was a cookbook! I'll be saving my pennies.
And Mary Beth, the mill has been saved till tomorrow, because today we saw Transformers. We have our priorities, apparently. But I'll check into the rec center. My brother and his fam live in Western Springs.
I don't live in WS, but close...so you see...it's just another Blog coincidence! Kaleidoscope is wonderful...low key...very much fun...and lots of learning! My kids remember it fondly for summer and they throw great birthday parties! There is nothing wrong with Transformers, or SpiderMan, especially at Navy Pier IMAX, which is where Harry Potter is coming next week IN 3-D, that even appeals to my teens!
Mary Beth
If you have a milkweed patch, there's always the monarch butterfly wheeze, Julia. Though, come to think of it, I guess they hatched after school started so mabe that wouldn't work. Hmm, my kids are into macrame right now, probably camp's influence. We've made a couple of toad/frog pools out of shallow basins. Built a firepit and a birdbath stand out of old bricks we found on the property. Discovered that our library has music outside on Thursday evenings. Maybe you have local music? The paper usually has listings of local happenings. Me, my favorite thing to do is sit on my deck and watch clouds with my daughter and the cats. I'm lazy.
Shine On,
Those are awesome ideas, thanks, Lill! I always wish I were craftier and encouraged my sons to be so. The macrame might be a fun project.
If we had a lazy contest, I think the boys and I might win. :)
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