I started my newest grad school class this evening. I had been harried and hot getting ready, and the class was interesting but tiring.
Imagine my joy when I emerged into the parking lot and found that the air was cold, autumnal, rejuvenating. And then, like a gift from the gods, the song playing on my radio as I turned toward home was--perhaps the best song in the world--LAY DOWN SALLY by Eric Clapton. I can't even explain how the cold wind blowing in my window and the power of Clapton's guitar (and his terrific background vocalist, whoever she is) simply re-energized me, made me feel younger, gave me the proverbial new lease on life.
Then I came home and my house was sweltering, despite three fans spinning madly. Ah, well--I'd had a moment.
What's the music that saves your mood?
For sheer mood-saving I go with anything by the Ramones. Talk about energy!
My husband would definitely agree with you! I might, except I don't think I've heard much by them.
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