Friday, November 23, 2007

Seasonal Etchings

We took a walk today and I noticed that the leaves had made an imprint on the cement, creating an almost fossilized appearance. It was rather lovely, and it reminded me of the work I saw recently in a print-making class. First the students created a pattern, then they made templates and produced their own prints with their design.

Here nature has done that, echoing its own art.

These are the little details I love to see in fiction.


Pam Quimby said...

yay! I love that you thought about the students' art after leaving our class. I love those "leaf prints" on the sidewalks in the fall, too.

Julia Buckley said...

Hurrah! I'm glad you saw that. Yes, unlike some, I think art is a most fascinating and necessary part of any curriculum, and it poses all sorts of philosophical questions.

Has there ever been a course called "Art and Philosophy?"