Sure, a writer can write anywhere. It shouldn't matter where she does it. Yet I found myself feeling envious of her writer's space--clean and white, with book-lined walls and creative little writery toys on the desk--and a view of Hemingway's house!
A writer needs a lot of things: talent, determination, a work ethic, and a willingness to spend time alone. But it never hurts to have an extra little something: classical music, maybe, or a burning candle, or--just maybe--the knowledge that you live next door to the home of one of the greatest American writers ever.
What else sparks a writer's creativity? In my case, it's playing Lexulous on Facebook. Something about that scrabble-like game really stimulates my brain.
How about you?
(pictured: Hemingway's childhood home).
I think having ADHD for me has been asset for my writing. I am always finding new ideas, settings, characters, etc for my writing work. I think just keeping your mind open to the outside world and see a particular place and then start asking questions. Who lives there? What is its history? Who built it? What mysteries lie underneath. Then the real fun begins.
Some of those sound like possible book titles, Jonz. "The Mysteries Underneath." I'd pick it up.
You know, it's interesting how many people I know who have ADHD. All Baby Boomers, most of them male. Have you ever read anything about why that might be?
I wrote my first novel while looking out my office window over a large pond. We had egrets, herons and ducks galore feeding there. Some days it was like Grand Central Station. And since my novel's setting was a swamp, I thought the view was appropriate.
But location isn't everything. I wrote my second novel (yet to be sold) in long hand while riding the bus to work.
But lots of the great writers wrote on the bus or train. So you're in good company!
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