May your holidays be warm and merry, and may all your resolutions come to pass.
Happy 2013!
Monday, December 24, 2012
Friday, November 30, 2012
A Craig Johnson Christmas
As a Craig Johnson fan, I was pleased to hear this announcement from Penguin:
On December 4, 2012 Penguin will release CHRISTMAS IN ABSAROKA COUNTY ($3.99; ISBN: 978-1-10163471-8) an original eSpecial story collection by New York Times bestselling author Craig Johnson.
In CHRISTMAS IN ABSAROKA COUNTY, readers glimpse a softer side of Walt Longmire, the longtime sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming, as he grapples with the death of his wife Martha and his sometimes turbulent, but ever-loving relationship with his daughter Cady. In these four stories: Ministerial Aid, Slick-Tongued Devil, Toys for Tots, and Unbalanced, Walt is alternately at his best and his worst. He helps a possibly delusional elderly victim of domestic abuse while sporting a bath robe and a mean hangover on New Year’s Day. He’s sidelined by grief when his wife’s obituary appears in the paper and there’s an unexpected knock on his door, two-days before Christmas. He strives to help even those who don’t want it when he picks up a young female hitchhiker and he’s forced into some last-minute Christmas shopping by the Greatest Legal Mind of Our Times, during which he might just end up saving a young Marine chaplain’s Christmas.
So the holidays have come a little early! I think this might be a nice download for my Kindle--and maybe I'll give it to myself.
On December 4, 2012 Penguin will release CHRISTMAS IN ABSAROKA COUNTY ($3.99; ISBN: 978-1-10163471-8) an original eSpecial story collection by New York Times bestselling author Craig Johnson.
In CHRISTMAS IN ABSAROKA COUNTY, readers glimpse a softer side of Walt Longmire, the longtime sheriff of Absaroka County, Wyoming, as he grapples with the death of his wife Martha and his sometimes turbulent, but ever-loving relationship with his daughter Cady. In these four stories: Ministerial Aid, Slick-Tongued Devil, Toys for Tots, and Unbalanced, Walt is alternately at his best and his worst. He helps a possibly delusional elderly victim of domestic abuse while sporting a bath robe and a mean hangover on New Year’s Day. He’s sidelined by grief when his wife’s obituary appears in the paper and there’s an unexpected knock on his door, two-days before Christmas. He strives to help even those who don’t want it when he picks up a young female hitchhiker and he’s forced into some last-minute Christmas shopping by the Greatest Legal Mind of Our Times, during which he might just end up saving a young Marine chaplain’s Christmas.
So the holidays have come a little early! I think this might be a nice download for my Kindle--and maybe I'll give it to myself.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Terri L. Austin on Waitresses in Diners, Nerds Who Speak Klingon, and Movies So Bad That They're Good
Thanks for chatting, Terri.
Your book is called DINERS, DIVES and DEAD ENDS. So what came first, the title or the idea for the mystery?
Your book is called DINERS, DIVES and DEAD ENDS. So what came first, the title or the idea for the mystery?
of all, thanks for having me on your blog, Julia! It’s a pleasure to be here.
book came first. My editor and I cooked up the title. Originally, I had
something different in mind, but I think Diners, Dives and Dead Ends sums up the
novel pretty well.
heroine, Rose Strickland, works at a diner and has a sassy attitude. Were you at all inspired by the tv show Alice?
but that’s a great show! I made Rose a waitress because I wanted her to be a
bit of an underdog who is struggling to make ends meet. Also, working at a
diner that is only open for breakfast gives her flexibility to solve mysteries
in her spare time!
characters have great names. Ax
Graystone is one of my favorites.
Do you spend a lot of time thinking of them, or do they just pop
into your head?
they suddenly come to me, but most of the time I give names a lot of thought. Names
are important, giving the audience insight into the character’s standing,
background, and place in life. But then I like turning those notions upside
down. Ax was fun to play with. He has this very unusual name, Axton
Graystone—an old family name—but he doesn’t live up to his family’s
expectations at all. Rosalyn Strickland is a very proper, straight-laced name.
But she insists on being called Rose and is anything but demure.
True ! You reference a lot of movies in the book, and in your author comments you say
that you love watching “really bad movies.” What makes bad movies good? Do you and Rose Strickland share this
think Rose is stuck watching bad sci-fi movies with Ax. She wouldn’t go out of
her way to watch a bad movie on her own. Me? I love nothing better than a cheesy
movie. I just watched Surf Party the
other day, with Bobby Vinton. It was awful, but awesomely so. The bad acting,
the silly plot, the horrible, faux beach songs. I couldn’t get enough. I’m
weird like that. Give me an MST3K movie and a bowl of popcorn, and I’m pretty
MST3K is the greatest! Are there
any other attitudes or ideas that you share with your heroine?
Rose-isms might pop out of my mouth from time to time. But my attitude is
probably more in line with Roxy. She’s blunt, snarky, and doesn’t have much of
a filter from her brain to her mouth.
Have you
ever worked at a diner?
but I’ve eaten in a lot of them! When I go to my local diner, I watch the
waitresses hustle to help customers. The way they whip those huge trays around
is like choreography. I don’t think I’m coordinated enough to do that without
breaking a lot of plates. I’m not sure I’d make it after the first shift.
It certainly is an undersung profession. Rose is
fairly young, as heroines go. What
made you decide on a 24-year-old narrator?
wanted Rose to have been away from her parents for a few years, but not too
many. This way I could show the reader what her life is like. This isn’t a
trial run for Rose, this is her reality. And she’s stuck. She’s been on her own
for five years, and she still isn’t sure about her future or her education. The
mid-twenties are a time of self-discovery. Rose is a conflicted character who
is still trying to find herself.
You have a lot of
strong women in this novel. Did you
create them consciously, or is it just instinctive for you to write women smart
and sassy?
like smart, sassy women, so I guess it comes naturally to me. I love snappy
dialogue and creating distinctive characters. To me, Rose, Roxy, and even Ma
are women flying solo and making their own way in the world.
Rose is
twenty-four, and since her lawyer friend Dane was in her eighth grade
class, that makes him twenty-four, too.
Can you already be an experienced lawyer at twenty-four years old?
don’t consider Dane to be experienced. He has a foot in the door with a good
firm and he’s been blessed with family connections. Now he’s out to prove he’s
up to the task. He’s definitely a contrast to Rose. Dane knows what he wants
and he’s determined to achieve it. Rose is floundering, unsure of what her next
step should be. I like the dichotomy between the two characters.
Rose mentions the flapjacks at her diner, I want to eat pancakes. Did you ever consider doing a signing at
a diner?
would love to do a signing at a diner! Just the smell of coffee makes me swoon.
Add the smoky smell of bacon, and I’d be in heaven.
Ax is a
real sci-fi nerd, loving everything from Star Wars to comic books. Do you have an Ax in
your own life?
husband is an engineer and loves sci-fi movies, so I guess I drew a little
inspiration from him. But Axton takes it to a whole different level. He’s
fluent in Klingon, he owns action figures, and he collects graphic novels.
Axton lives in his own little world and I enjoy that about him.
You mention
in your acknowledgements that your husband Jeff made dinner while you
wrote. My husband Jeff is also the
dinner maker in the family. What
would we do without our Jeffs?
hungry! My Jeff has been a rock and my biggest champion. We’ve been married for
23 wonderful years and I’d be lost without him. And he makes omelets that rock
my morning.
So wonderful! Will there
be more novels in the Rose Strickland series?
second Rose mystery, Last Diner Standing, is coming out December 3rd.
I’m very excited about it. Ma is on a rampage with a rival diner. We get to see
more of the quirky characters that inhabit Rose’s world and quite a bit more of
Rose’s bad guy crush. And it’s a Christmas mystery, which was a ton of fun to
That sounds great! Thanks for talking with me, Terri, and good luck
with the book!
Thanks for having me, Julia! It was fun.
More about Terri's book:
Diners, Dives and Dead Ends
A Rose Strickland Mystery
By Terri L. Austin
Henery Press
As a struggling waitress and part-time college
student, Rose Strickland’s life is stalled in the slow lane. But when her close
friend, Axton, disappears, Rose suddenly finds herself serving up more than hot
coffee and flapjacks. Now she’s hashing it out with sexy bad guys and
scrambling to find clues in a race to save Axton before his time runs out.
With her anime-loving bestie, her septuagenarian
boss, and pair of IT wise men along for the ride, Rose discovers political
corruption, illegal gambling, and shady corporations. She’s gone from zero to
sixty and quickly learns when you’re speeding down the fast lane, it’s easy to
crash and burn.
Terri L. Austin lives in Missouri with her funny,
handsome husband and a high maintenance peekapoo. She loves to hear from readers. Find her on Twitter, FB,, Goodreads
and Henery Press. She and her writer
friends have a book chat every Wednesday on Little Read Hens.
Check it out and join in the conversation!
Sunday, October 21, 2012
Monday, October 01, 2012
Invisible Murder

Serendipitously, I am teaching Hamlet, and the cover copy of INVISIBLE MURDER says "Something is Rotten in Denmark." :)
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
A Blog Visit from Mystery Writer Sandra Balzo
Thanks for
inviting me to stop by, and I have to say it's wonderful timing. I write two mystery series--the Maggy Thorsen
Coffeehouse Mysteries and Main Street Murders--and I'm currently in that lovely
sweet spot between the release of one book (the second Main Street) and writing the
eighth Maggy.
All right, to be
absolutely honest, I'm shamelessly dragging my feet on the new book and blogging
gives me the perfect excuse. I'm the world's worst procrastinator¾probably
because I know I can function under deadline thanks to my former life in
corporate public relations. When I turned to writing, my first home office was
in the laundry room and our clothes were never so clean. Then I moved to the
dining room and the dishes were always done and dinner on time.
If you're not
familiar with my work, the Maggy books are funny, fast reads--cozies, with a
bit of a hard edge. They're set in a gourmet coffeehouse in Wisconsin. The Main
Street Murders series is set in the mountains of North Carolina and feature
journalist AnnaLise Griggs. Reviewers equate them to the regional mysteries of
Joan Hess, Margaret Maron and G.A. McKevett.
In the first Main
Street book, RUNNING ON EMPTY, AnnaLise is called home to Sutherton because her
mom, Daisy, accidentally bled-out a donor at the local blood drive. When the
"accidents" continue, though, it's clear that it's up to AnnaLise to discover
whether Daisy is indeed the cause, as everyone else seems to believe, or the
which was just released, AnnaLise's past comes home to roost in the persons of
her ex-lover and his wife and daughter. As you might guess, somebody has to
Okay, time to
work on the new Maggy. Or, as my kids say, "Mom's off to kill somebody
FICTIONALLY, of course.
All the best,
Sandra Balzo is an award-winning author
of crime fiction, including nine books in two different mystery series from
Severn House--the Wisconsin-based Maggy Thorsen Mysteries and Main Street
Murders, set in the High Country of North Carolina and featuring journalist
AnnaLise Griggs.
Find Sandy online
at, Pinterest (, Facebook
(Sandra Balzo Mysteries) and Twitter (@SandraBalzo).
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Mystery Writer D.E. Johnson Talks About Loving History, Chasing Clues, and Thinking Female

D. E. Johnson's DETROIT BREAKDOWN is available now. Thanks to Tanya Farrell for the great questions and Nicole Johnson for allowing me to use the author photo.
What (or who!) inspired you to write historical mystery/crime novel?
Really there are two different inspirations – the first is my love of history. Ever since elementary school, I’ve been interested in American history. The early Twentieth Century is the time period I find most fascinating. Our country was becoming what it is today—both the good and the bad. It was a time of great
upheaval, with millions of immigrants moving into the cities, manufacturing changing the way everyone lived, and a great awakening about our social responsibility.
The second inspiration was Encyclopedia Brown. I poured over those books as a kid, seeing if I could come up with the clues he found. The books were very imaginative and a lot of fun. The thing I enjoy most about writing mysteries is the cat and mouse game with the reader. A good mystery has to present the clues necessary for the reader to solve the crime, but use misdirection to mask them. I love fitting in those bits and pieces that add up to a murderer, but doing so in a way that keeps the reader from seeing it until the “Aha!” moment.
Detroit Breakdown uses two first-person narratives. What did you find most difficult about keeping Will and Elizabeth's voices distinct?
The most difficult part was trying to think like a woman. I’d written two books already from Will’s head, and it was a very natural voice for me. I was really stepping out on a limb to write Elizabeth’s narration. Fortunately, I have some early readers—including my wife—who have no compunction about telling me when I’m being stupid. I actually learned a bit about women during the process.
I had fun moving from there into stylistic differences. Elizabeth not only thinks differently than Will, she sees storytelling differently as well. Her vocabulary is different, which got me a complaint from my father. He worked with concrete in one way or another his entire working life, and here Elizabeth was calling it “cement?” (I had to point out that Will says “concrete,” and I think my dad has forgiven me.)
You must have done quite a bit of research on Eloise Hospital and mental health treatments during the early 20th century. What parts of your research interested or shocked you the most?
I fell into a rabbit hole filled with radium and uranium. During the early Twentieth Century, Eloise Hospital was one of the pioneers in the use of radiation therapy for tuberculosis. As I researched that (looking for a good way to punish Will for being my protagonist) I found a wealth of information about radioactive curatives.
In the first forty years of the Twentieth Century, many people looked at radiation as a cure-all. You could buy uranium-lined water coolers (or radium water by the bottle, if you had a little more money), as well as a wide variety of, er, Viagra-like radioactive products. I wrote an article about it for Criminal Element, which you can find at:
Can you describe your personal attachment to Detroit and the reasons why you have chosen to center all your novels around this great city?
My research made me fall in love with the city. Detroit was rightly known for decades as the “Paris of the West.” Tree-lined boulevards, sophisticated culture, great art scene, Detroit had it all. In 1910, there was no more exciting city in the world. Manufacturing was growing by leaps and bounds, led, of course, by automobiles, but the city was renowned for hundreds of other industries—stoves, train cars, and cigars being three of the most prominent.
In 1910, only 10% of Detroit’s population had even been born in the State of Michigan! The city was a smaller version of New York, filled with ethnic enclaves where many people never had to learn English because everything they needed was right there. Many of those immigrants were craftsmen, lured to the New World by the promise of a better life.
Along with all this came crime—white collar (led by the city government), blue collar, and everything in between. Labor activists, socialists, and anarchists were ruthlessly cut down by the establishment, and fought back every way they knew how. The city was prosperous, yet so many of its citizens were destitute. It was a perfect mixture for the extremes of human behavior—exactly the environment a novelist is looking for.
All of your novels involve a theme related to history - organized crime, the electric car industry, mental health - what themes do you have in store for future books?
The fourth book in the series (untitled as of yet), which will be published in Fall 2013, will revolve around women’s suffrage and the 1912 Presidential election. In real life, Michigan had a constitutional amendment on the ballot to allow women the vote, and everyone was certain it was a shoo-in. Suffrage was well-supported throughout the state, and the election was thought to be merely a formality.
But the amendment was voted down. Amid the public outcry of a fix, the governor demanded a recount. Tens of thousands of ballots were “lost” and thousands more were disqualified because they were printed incorrectly. The Macomb County Licensed Beverage Association was found to be involved in a conspiracy to defeat the amendment, and most thought the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association was the force behind it. (Suffrage and Prohibition were considered to be nearly one and the same.) Nothing was ever proved, but I’ve made up my mind as to what happened.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Mystery Writer Larissa Reinhart on Coffin Portraits, Japanese Adoptions, and Funny Brits
Larissa Reinhart's new mystery, Portrait of a Dead Guy, is out today! Here's our interview about her book.
Hi, Larissa! Thanks for agreeing to be on the blog, and for discussing your book, PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY, with me.
You write funny!
They say that writing humor is the hardest kind of writing. How did you choose to write a humorous
narrative, and how do you maintain your funny narration and dialogue?
To be honest, that’s just
how Cherry speaks in my mind. She kind of talks out the side of her mouth and
uses these descriptive phrases. I love humorous books, so I probably absorbed a
lot of humor through reading-osmosis. If I’m having a bad day, I like a good
dose of PG Wodehouse or Jasper Fforde. If only I could reach UK-humor level...
Brits are hilarious people. I love their dry wit. I’m not so subtle.
Two of my favorites! The premise of your book is unusual . A struggling artist snags the job of painting
a recently-murdered man, in his coffin, as a memorial for the rather odd
family. Therefore, your heroine Cherry Tucker has to spend a
significant amount of time with a stiff.
Did this situation strike you as funny or horrifying?
It strikes me as funny,
but when I explain the plot I get a lot of “are you a lunatic?” looks. I think
I’d rather paint a stiff than take on a killer. That would be horrifying!
One of my favorite characters is a billy goat
named Tater, who seems to make it his life’s ambition to annoy visitors (or
maybe just Cherry?). Do you have some
experience with goats and their whims?
My personal goat stories
are fairly innocuous. However, goats have a love/hate relationship with my
sister. As children, any time we were near goats they would flock to her,
knocking her down, and attempt to eat her clothes. To this day if we take our
children to a petting zoo, she refuses to have anything to do with the goats.
She was horrified to hear I had a goat in my story. But I believe in making
lemonade from other people’s lemons.
Haha! Speaking of sisters, I like the relationship between Cherry and her
sister. Cherry is fiercely ambitious,
but Casey “couldn’t find ambition if it drew her a map and hired a
Sherpa.” Do you have sisters, and if
so, did you draw from the relationships to write about these women?
I have one sister who is
nothing like Casey. She’s a hard worker and a great mom. But I can relate to
the sniping and one-upmanship between the siblings. My sister and I don’t do
that anymore, but we had some memorable arguments in high school. Because their
mother abandoned them as children and they then lost their grandmother when
they were in high school, I see the siblings as emotionally stunted. However,
they’re all very creative. Cherry’s a talented artist, Casey is an amazing
cook, and Cody is a skilled mechanic. Unfortunately, Cherry’s the only one who
wants to make her mark in the world. Or start paying her own bills.
There are a number of men in Cherry’s
life—specifically her ex-husband, Todd,
to whom she was married “by accident,” and of course the handsome Luke. It reminds me of the interesting triangle
Janet Evanovich creates between Stephanie Plum, Ranger, and Morelli. Have other people compared you to Evanovich?
You just made my year!
I’m such an Evanovich fan. My sister mentioned it to me when she first read the
manuscript, but I didn’t think about any parallels when writing. Originally,
Todd (Cherry’s ex-husband) was just going to be a jerky character that popped
up and harassed Cherry every now and then. But he turned out to be this
adorable guy who was so sweet. Even though Cherry’s not certain if he’s playing
a dumb blonde act to sneak back in her life, how could I say no to letting Todd
hang around? He’s such a cutie.
In your first sentence, you say that “in a small
town, there is a thin gray line between personal freedom and public ruin.” Are you from a small town? And do you know whereof you speak? J

Who are some writers you admire? And who’s writer who makes you laugh the
I could not fit all the
names of writers I admire without tying up the internet lines. I love the
early-mid twentieth century mystery/suspense writers like Agatha Christie,
Ngaio Marsh, Dick Francis, Mary Stewart, Colin Dexter, Barbara Michaels and
Daphne du Maurier. I also love mysteries by Martha Grimes, P.D. James, Nancy
Martin, and Sharyn McCrumb. For humor, I mentioned PG Wodehouse and Jasper Fforde
earlier. I even find Agatha Christie and Colin Dexter funny. Of course, Janet
Evanovich kills me. Meg Cabot and Charlaine Harris, too. Darynda Jones has me
rolling now.
We share many of the same favorites!! What are you reading now?
Darynda Jones’ Charley
Davidson series. I love series, and I love to read them all at once, so
sometimes I’ll hold out for a bunch of titles before jumping in. Especially if
I know they’re going to be good.
You are an extremely well-travelled person. What’s your favorite place in the world
(aside from your home, of course?)
That’s hard! But I’m
going to say Japan, because we’ve lived there three times, so Japan has a
special place in our hearts. We just moved back to Georgia from Nagoya a year
ago at Christmas, and we’re still homesick for Nagoya.
taught English and history. Are you
still teaching?
Eight years ago we
adopted our first daughter from China, and I’ve stayed at home since. I
dedicated myself to writing once the girls started school (we were actually in
Japan at that time). I feel very blessed to have time with them, help at their
school, and write. I realize how lucky I am!
can readers find out more about you and PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY?
I’m easy to find on the
internet, because I’m usually in front of my computer. My website is and my blog about life in Japan is, but I’m often chatting on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, or
pinning on Pinterest. Cherry
Tucker has her own Pinterest account
because she took over half of my boards.
also in a group called Little Read Hens,
where we do a book chat on Facebook on Wednesdays. It’s a lot of fun, so feel free to join
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Robert Fate's Latest is Deeply Satisfying
Baby Shark is back, and this time Kristin Van Dijk is not the shell-shocked seventeen-year-old that she was at the beginning of this series. She's tough, and she doesn't back down from a fight, and the men continue to underestimate her to their own peril.
I love the relationship between Kristin and Otis, and the backdrop of 1960 Fort Worth (and the intense heat of Texas) made this an especially fun read for this hot, hot summer.
Here's the link to this great read:
What are you waiting for? Read and enjoy.
I love the relationship between Kristin and Otis, and the backdrop of 1960 Fort Worth (and the intense heat of Texas) made this an especially fun read for this hot, hot summer.
Here's the link to this great read:
What are you waiting for? Read and enjoy.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Mystery Writer Charles Salzberg on Making Connections, Writing Hard Boiled, and Loving Literature
Charles Salzberg was nominated for a Shamus Award for Best First P.I. Novel for his book Swann's Last Song. In October he will release the second in the series, called Swann Dives In. He found a moment in his busy (and hot) summer to answer some questions.
Your character’s name is
Henry Swann. This last name has been
versatile for your clever titles—(Swann’s Last Song, Swann Dives In), but are
there any other reasons why you chose this as the moniker for your detective?
It sounded right to me, kind
of slid off the tongue, and I wanted to have the literary allusion to Proust’s
Swann character. Originally, I didn’t
even use Swann’s name in the second book--it was called Bad Reception--but
someone suggested I “brand” the series by using the name in each title and so I
This book is set in the
present, but it reads like a 1940s P.I. novel (which I assume is the style
you’re going for). Who’s your favorite
hard-boiled PI? Some passages read like
homages to Chandler’s Marlowe, so I’m guessing he’s one?
Definitely Chandler, but I
was also very influenced by Dashiell Hammett and Ross MacDonald. I’m also a big fan of the pulp fiction
writers like Big Jim Thompson and James M. Cain. But there are lots of other, non-detective
writer influences, as well. Thomas Berger’s
Who Killed Teddy Villanueva? is one of them, and also Vladimir Nabokov (there
are lots of literary allusions throughout both books,) and even a little
Phillip Roth thrown in for good measure.
I love Ross MacDonald! And interestingly, Ake Edwardson (who was
just interviewed here recently) also mentions Nabokov as an influence.
In this book, when he’s not
investigating, Swann is hooking up cable.
What made you choose this alternate profession?
In the original ending of the
first book, Swann is so disillusioned by what happened (he followed all the
clues, but didn’t solve the crime because it was totally random) that he leaves
the business. I wanted him to have a job
that was still hooking things up (looking for connections, making connections)
and I wanted to bring him into the “real” world, which is now
technological. In effect, he’s doing the
same thing he did before: making connections.
At one point Swann surmises
that “Isolation [is] now impossible . . .
maybe the less we know about others, the better off we are.” Does Swann’s view of modernity reflect some of
your own views, or is this distinct to his character?
I wish I were
Swann--obviously parts of me are him--but he’s much brasher and braver than I
am. And he’s also able to articulate and
broadcast things about himself and other people that I wish I could. But I do think there’s truth to that
statement. The more we know about
people, the more chance there is for us to be disappointed. In terms of modernity, I think I’m much more
willing to embrace change than he is.
But to me, that’s what makes him charming and fun to write.
The plot of the book deals
with the world of rare books. Did you
have to research this for your novel, or was this already an interest of yours?
I interviewed a rare book
dealer named Darren Winston, who was extremely helpful. Obviously, being a writer and an English
major, I knew a lot about the authors mentioned in the book and a whole bunch
of the literary anecdotes, but not so much about the world of rare books. So, I also read a number of articles, in the
New Yorker, in the New York Times, and every time I saw something that had
anything to do with rare books, I tore it out and saved it. I also searched the Internet for information
and I studied the Bauman rare book dealer ads on the back page of the New York
Times Book Review for an idea of present prices for books. But obviously, I made up certain values for
books, but they’re pretty close.
What made you start writing a
mystery series?
I had no intention of writing
a mystery series. When I was starting
out I wrote very literary, very character-oriented novels, not strong on
plot. I wanted to see if I could write a
plot-oriented book, and the best challenge I could find was to write a mystery
or detective novel because those depend very heavily on plot. I wrote Swann’s Last Song, which I thought of
as an anti-detective novel, because in the original version Swann does not
solve the case. But publishers wouldn’t
buy that, so I had to rewrite the ending (you can find both endings in the paperback
version.) I was amazed when it was nominated for a Shamus Award for Best First
PI Novel, and when I lost, I got pissed off and decided to write another. It turns out, they’re fun to write and I have
a lot of leeway now in what I can write about.
How many books will there be
in the Swann series?
I thought I only had three
books in me, because I couldn’t think of anything past a third title--the one
I’m working on is tentatively titled, Swann’s Lake of Despair--but now I think
as long as I can come up with a good plot and a fun title, I’ll keep doing
What are you reading right
I just finished reading Jeff
Guin’s Go Down Together, about Bonnie and Clyde. And Berlin Noir, by Phillip
Kerr. On my shelf to read is The Art of
Fielding and Just Kids, among many, many others.
Swann travels a lot in his
quest. If you could travel anywhere this
summer, where would you go?
The funny thing is, I’m not
really big on travel, which is probably why I have Swann travel at the drop of
a hat. But if pressed, I’d probably say
Ireland and England, because I wouldn’t be language challenged, and Italy,
because I’ve never been there and it looks so good in movies.
Where can readers find out
more about you and the Swann mysteries?
A friend of mine, Francesca
Rizzo, put together a terrific website,, that’s interactive and
great fun--primarily because another friend of mine, Ross Klavan, along with
Fran, did the various voices of Swann and characters in the book. She’s now working on another page for the
site that’ll be devoted to Swann Dives In.
Thanks for chatting,
Charles! Good luck with the Swann
Charles Salzburg,
Swann Dives In
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Saturday, July 14, 2012
More great summer reading!

I am currently immersed in Franck Thilliez' thriller, SYNDROME E, which has apparently already been purchased by a Hollywood studio for eventual movie magic. The tale combines the talents of a female cop who must juggle a sick child in the hospital, another child at camp, a very hot summer, and a busman's holiday of a vacation in which she ends up investigating a very disturbing film that leads to a friend's hysterical blindness.
On a different case (which will soon be related, I think), Franck Sharko, an officer of the Paris police, must investigate the appearance of five badly-mangled bodies recently unearthed at a construction site.
The book is fascinating, not only for its details about film, embedded images, and the unconscious, but also because of its discussion of neuroscience. A wonderful way to pass a hot summer day!!
Next up is Larissa Reinhart's PORTRAIT OF A DEAD GUY, which looks as though it will be much lighter, less stressful fare than Thilliez' SYNDROME. But Reinhart's book has a very unusual premise: that an artist is asked to paint a portrait of a dead man for that man's grieving family, and in the process she becomes involved in some unsavory situations. Looks promising!
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Everything but the Squeal
Check out John Barlow's post on Poe's Deadly Daughters this weekend, and be sure to get his free book today!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Longmire Returns!

I've interviewed Johnson here twice (see the list in the right-hand column to read the interviews), and I've also noted the similarities between Johnson and the great Ross MacDonald. So I'm no stranger to Johnson's series, or to the excellence of his writing.
In this eighth mystery, Walt Longmire must negotiate the perilous waters of his daughter's pre-wedding tensions as well as investigate an unexpected death which is not in his territory.
As always, I'm looking forward to immersing myself in one of Johnson's tales, right after I finish Lori Roy's BENT ROAD, which is currently keeping me in suspense!
As the Crows Flies,
Bent Road,
Craig Johnson,
Lori Roy
Wednesday, June 06, 2012
What I'm Reading . . .
I'm not quite finished with this gem of a German crime novel, but I'm already a Wolf Haas fan. What a fun, fresh, clever book! More on this soon.
Brenner and God will come out soon from Melville Press.
Brenner and God will come out soon from Melville Press.
Sunday, May 20, 2012
Mystery Writer Joyce Yarrow on New York Streets, Russian Gulags, and Indian Poetry
Joyce, I enjoyed reading CODE OF THIEVES; it was exciting and
Jo Epstein is a cool
creation—independent, poetic, street smart, brave. How did you go about choosing all the pieces
of her character?
Thank you Julia, I’m so glad you connected with Jo.
My brother Rick and I grew up together in a tough neighborhood in the SE
Bronx. Rick used his street smarts to become an ace detective, whereas I chose to write poetry and
eventually, novels.
So in poet/detective Jo Epstein, I created a hybrid, based
on both of us. I also gave Jo some
characteristics drawn from a friend who hosts the Seattle Poetry Slam and is
capable of quoting Shakespeare or Milton one moment and bad-mouthing hecklers
the next. In CODE OF THIEVES, Jo provides security services for Scandals, the
fictitious bar hosting the NY Poetry Slam team.
Jo notes that “Privacy . . . was a
word that in our post-911 world was rapidly losing its meaning, like
democracy.” Jo understands, as an
investigator, that anyone’s privacy is a tenuous thing. But is her comment about Democracy fueled by
her disenchantment with government (or yours)?
I wrote CODE OF THIEVES around the same time that the story broke about the NSA warrantless wiretapping. So Jo’s views on the value of civil liberties do reflect my own. She is not ‘anti-government’ per se – having seen the danger of anarchy first-hand while growing up in NY. Like most P.I.’s she values her contacts in the police department, while at the same time protecting her sources, and her freedom to act independently.
you travel to Russia to research this book?
Yes – and my trip to Moscow and The Golden Ring proved invaluable. In addition to Vladimir Central Prison (we were the first Americans to tour this infamous prison) almost every place my son and I visited made its way into CODE OF THIEVES—the home where we stayed in Moscow, the Monastery of St. Euthimius and the Matryoshka factory in Suzdal, the headquarters of the Moscow Criminal Police at 38 Petrovka Street, even the disco at the Vladimir Hotel.
Yes – and my trip to Moscow and The Golden Ring proved invaluable. In addition to Vladimir Central Prison (we were the first Americans to tour this infamous prison) almost every place my son and I visited made its way into CODE OF THIEVES—the home where we stayed in Moscow, the Monastery of St. Euthimius and the Matryoshka factory in Suzdal, the headquarters of the Moscow Criminal Police at 38 Petrovka Street, even the disco at the Vladimir Hotel.
A highlight of the research trip was dinner with a Commander in the Russian Criminal Police, who blessed my plot. Commander Eshau was very generous. He helped me to add dimension to the antagonist in CODE OF THIEVES –who has a strong association with the Russian criminal subculture known the vory v zakone, (thieves-in-law). The vory adhere to an intricate set of rules of conduct –the ‘code’- as referenced in the book’s title. In the old days, they prided themselves on sharing their loot and contributed to a communal fund that helped the families of members who were imprisoned. Today their ranks have thinned and they have been pushed out by the modern Russian mafia.
the Russian nesting dolls, figure very
prominently in your plot. Do you own
any? How did you go about researching
them for this book?
A writer is fortunate indeed to discover a ‘telling detail’ that transforms
into a symbol powerful enough to generate a storyline. When I asked myself, ‘how
would the blackmailer of a Russian émigré communicate with his victim?,’ the
answer came back loud and clear—he would send messages inside a series of
Matryoshka dolls that fit together in the same way the plot of a mystery
unfolds. From that point on, I knew CODE OF THIEVES would have a solid
structure J.
Great! One
of your characters says “Everyone in Russia
has at least one ancestor or family member who has been in prison.” This is a shocking fact! How did you come to find out this stark reality?
As documented by many historians and of course by Nobel prize-winning Aleksandr
Solzhenitsyn, 14
million people were imprisoned in Stalin’s GULAG ‘labor camps’ from 1929 to
1953 and another 6-7 million were sent to camps in remote areas of the USSR. It
made sense to me that most Russians would have a family tree affected by this
identifies Putin as “still undoubtedly the most powerful man in Russia,” but
that was written before Putin’s recent rise to the presidency. Is Putin good for Russia, or bad?
The book was written while Medvedev was
President and it was obvious at that time that he was a figurehead and Putin
would return to power, just as he has. Russians have always preferred strong
leaders, and there is no doubt Putin qualifies in this respect. On the other
hand, his persecution of opposition leaders and journalists is well-known and
greatly resented by the populace—and personally, I do not think he is good for
the development of democracy in Russia.
you of Russian heritage?
My own heritage is murky…but I do know that
my last name, Yarrow, was shortened by a busy customs officer on Ellis Island
from the original Yaroslavky. This name is common in Belarus, I am told, but it
could also be of Polish origin.
one point we are told that “Amnesia is a common folk remedy in Russia,” and
that Yeltsin was “a drunk . . . who gave away his country’s resources to Mafia
thugs.” Are things better today in
Russia, the same, or worse?

One Russian tells Jo that “Americans are seen as misinformed cretins gulping down press releases fed to the media by the military industrial complex.” Actually, I think it’s not only Russians who have this perception of America—but do you think it is the primary view of Americans by Russians?
The character in the book who utters these
cynical words is busy justifying his own nefarious activities by painting
others with the same brush. That said, many of the people I met were angry
about the war in Iraq. They were also sympathetic with the American people, who
they see as betrayed by their leaders – a familiar scenario in Russia.
It’s impossible to generalize about Russia
– it is so immense! What I tried to do was to present a well-rounded view based
on my own experiences and research. One
of my most treasured reviews was written by a Russian-American, Lyuda West, who
said “The author touches different aspects of Russian life, from criminals’
rules and corrupted officials to "New Russian" businessmen and
ordinary people, adding to it the mystery of a murder and secrets of the past.”
Are you
working on a new Jo Epstein mystery?
Yes. The story has a scientific bent this
Have you read CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, perhaps the
most famous of Russian crime novels?
Yes – Dostoyevsky is a favorite writer and
this book in particular. He was so far ahead of his time – in introducing the
‘anti-hero,’ now a fixture in literature, in introducing deep psychological
profiling as part of the story, in having the courage to explore the darkest
depths of the psyche with compassion and clarity.
Who are some of your literary influences?
Oh my. As a young poet I’d have to say
Rimbaud – and as a budding story writer, the existentialists—Sartre and Camus. Then
later, Simenon and Chandler for mysteries and Flaubert and Franzen for literary
fiction (alliteration a coincidence). Lately I have been reading Indian
authors, since I am collaborating on a book with a writer from Allahabad. I am
delving into Rabindranath Tagore’s works—poetry, short stories and plays. I
love Kiran Desai.
Wow--a lot of your favorites are my favorites, too! I teach THE STRANGER and it's become an influential book for me. I also once taught Chandler's THE LONG GOODBYE in a mystery course--such great books!
Thanks for chatting, Joyce!
The feeling is mutual,
Julia. Your questions revealed much
about your own passion for looking under the surface and getting to an author’s
intentions. I appreciate this opportunity to share some of the underpinnings of
CODE OF THIEVES and to re-visit some of the choices I made both as a writer and
a traveler.. J
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