Joyce, I enjoyed reading CODE OF THIEVES; it was exciting and
Jo Epstein is a cool
creation—independent, poetic, street smart, brave. How did you go about choosing all the pieces
of her character?
Thank you Julia, I’m so glad you connected with Jo.
My brother Rick and I grew up together in a tough neighborhood in the SE
Bronx. Rick used his street smarts to become an ace detective, whereas I chose to write poetry and
eventually, novels.
So in poet/detective Jo Epstein, I created a hybrid, based
on both of us. I also gave Jo some
characteristics drawn from a friend who hosts the Seattle Poetry Slam and is
capable of quoting Shakespeare or Milton one moment and bad-mouthing hecklers
the next. In CODE OF THIEVES, Jo provides security services for Scandals, the
fictitious bar hosting the NY Poetry Slam team.
Jo notes that “Privacy . . . was a
word that in our post-911 world was rapidly losing its meaning, like
democracy.” Jo understands, as an
investigator, that anyone’s privacy is a tenuous thing. But is her comment about Democracy fueled by
her disenchantment with government (or yours)?
I wrote CODE OF THIEVES around the same time that the story broke about the NSA warrantless wiretapping. So Jo’s views on the value of civil liberties do reflect my own. She is not ‘anti-government’ per se – having seen the danger of anarchy first-hand while growing up in NY. Like most P.I.’s she values her contacts in the police department, while at the same time protecting her sources, and her freedom to act independently.
you travel to Russia to research this book?
Yes – and my trip to Moscow and The Golden Ring proved invaluable. In addition to Vladimir Central Prison (we were the first Americans to tour this infamous prison) almost every place my son and I visited made its way into CODE OF THIEVES—the home where we stayed in Moscow, the Monastery of St. Euthimius and the Matryoshka factory in Suzdal, the headquarters of the Moscow Criminal Police at 38 Petrovka Street, even the disco at the Vladimir Hotel.
Yes – and my trip to Moscow and The Golden Ring proved invaluable. In addition to Vladimir Central Prison (we were the first Americans to tour this infamous prison) almost every place my son and I visited made its way into CODE OF THIEVES—the home where we stayed in Moscow, the Monastery of St. Euthimius and the Matryoshka factory in Suzdal, the headquarters of the Moscow Criminal Police at 38 Petrovka Street, even the disco at the Vladimir Hotel.
A highlight of the research trip was dinner with a Commander in the Russian Criminal Police, who blessed my plot. Commander Eshau was very generous. He helped me to add dimension to the antagonist in CODE OF THIEVES –who has a strong association with the Russian criminal subculture known the vory v zakone, (thieves-in-law). The vory adhere to an intricate set of rules of conduct –the ‘code’- as referenced in the book’s title. In the old days, they prided themselves on sharing their loot and contributed to a communal fund that helped the families of members who were imprisoned. Today their ranks have thinned and they have been pushed out by the modern Russian mafia.
the Russian nesting dolls, figure very
prominently in your plot. Do you own
any? How did you go about researching
them for this book?
A writer is fortunate indeed to discover a ‘telling detail’ that transforms
into a symbol powerful enough to generate a storyline. When I asked myself, ‘how
would the blackmailer of a Russian émigré communicate with his victim?,’ the
answer came back loud and clear—he would send messages inside a series of
Matryoshka dolls that fit together in the same way the plot of a mystery
unfolds. From that point on, I knew CODE OF THIEVES would have a solid
structure J.
Great! One
of your characters says “Everyone in Russia
has at least one ancestor or family member who has been in prison.” This is a shocking fact! How did you come to find out this stark reality?
As documented by many historians and of course by Nobel prize-winning Aleksandr
Solzhenitsyn, 14
million people were imprisoned in Stalin’s GULAG ‘labor camps’ from 1929 to
1953 and another 6-7 million were sent to camps in remote areas of the USSR. It
made sense to me that most Russians would have a family tree affected by this
identifies Putin as “still undoubtedly the most powerful man in Russia,” but
that was written before Putin’s recent rise to the presidency. Is Putin good for Russia, or bad?
The book was written while Medvedev was
President and it was obvious at that time that he was a figurehead and Putin
would return to power, just as he has. Russians have always preferred strong
leaders, and there is no doubt Putin qualifies in this respect. On the other
hand, his persecution of opposition leaders and journalists is well-known and
greatly resented by the populace—and personally, I do not think he is good for
the development of democracy in Russia.
you of Russian heritage?
My own heritage is murky…but I do know that
my last name, Yarrow, was shortened by a busy customs officer on Ellis Island
from the original Yaroslavky. This name is common in Belarus, I am told, but it
could also be of Polish origin.
one point we are told that “Amnesia is a common folk remedy in Russia,” and
that Yeltsin was “a drunk . . . who gave away his country’s resources to Mafia
thugs.” Are things better today in
Russia, the same, or worse?

One Russian tells Jo that “Americans are seen as misinformed cretins gulping down press releases fed to the media by the military industrial complex.” Actually, I think it’s not only Russians who have this perception of America—but do you think it is the primary view of Americans by Russians?
The character in the book who utters these
cynical words is busy justifying his own nefarious activities by painting
others with the same brush. That said, many of the people I met were angry
about the war in Iraq. They were also sympathetic with the American people, who
they see as betrayed by their leaders – a familiar scenario in Russia.
It’s impossible to generalize about Russia
– it is so immense! What I tried to do was to present a well-rounded view based
on my own experiences and research. One
of my most treasured reviews was written by a Russian-American, Lyuda West, who
said “The author touches different aspects of Russian life, from criminals’
rules and corrupted officials to "New Russian" businessmen and
ordinary people, adding to it the mystery of a murder and secrets of the past.”
Are you
working on a new Jo Epstein mystery?
Yes. The story has a scientific bent this
Have you read CRIME AND PUNISHMENT, perhaps the
most famous of Russian crime novels?
Yes – Dostoyevsky is a favorite writer and
this book in particular. He was so far ahead of his time – in introducing the
‘anti-hero,’ now a fixture in literature, in introducing deep psychological
profiling as part of the story, in having the courage to explore the darkest
depths of the psyche with compassion and clarity.
Who are some of your literary influences?
Oh my. As a young poet I’d have to say
Rimbaud – and as a budding story writer, the existentialists—Sartre and Camus. Then
later, Simenon and Chandler for mysteries and Flaubert and Franzen for literary
fiction (alliteration a coincidence). Lately I have been reading Indian
authors, since I am collaborating on a book with a writer from Allahabad. I am
delving into Rabindranath Tagore’s works—poetry, short stories and plays. I
love Kiran Desai.
Wow--a lot of your favorites are my favorites, too! I teach THE STRANGER and it's become an influential book for me. I also once taught Chandler's THE LONG GOODBYE in a mystery course--such great books!
Thanks for chatting, Joyce!
The feeling is mutual,
Julia. Your questions revealed much
about your own passion for looking under the surface and getting to an author’s
intentions. I appreciate this opportunity to share some of the underpinnings of
CODE OF THIEVES and to re-visit some of the choices I made both as a writer and
a traveler.. J