Back in 2012 I interviewed Charles Salzberg about his latest Swann novel. You can read that interview HERE.
Now I'm happy to report that Charles Salzberg has released a fourth novel in the Swann series called Swann's Way Out. This Shamus-nominated author has taken his protagonist through some difficult situations, and they continue in book four as Swann goes in search of a million missing dollars.
Back in 2012, Salzberg told me why he wrote a mystery:
"I had no intention of writing a mystery series. When I was starting out I wrote very literary, very character-oriented novels, not strong on plot. I wanted to see if I could write a plot-oriented book, and the best challenge I could find was to write a mystery or detective novel because those depend very heavily on plot. I wrote Swann’s Last Song, which I thought of as an anti-detective novel, because in the original version Swann does not solve the case. But publishers wouldn’t buy that, so I had to rewrite the ending (you can find both endings in the paperback version.) I was amazed when it was nominated for a Shamus Award for Best First PI Novel, and when I lost, I got pissed off and decided to write another. It turns out, they’re fun to write and I have a lot of leeway now in what I can write about."

Now, with the new title, Salzberg continues Swann's quest to right wrongs in a nostalgic, Chandler-esque style that incorporates action and humor.