However, my nostalgia continues to make me slaver over things like this, and I know my sons would love this show. Remember what a great straight woman 99 was for Agent 86's idiotic behavior? And how she called him "Mox," because of her posh accent? I wanted to be 99 when I was a kiddy, so sooner or later we'll have to buy this (or rent it, but that's not as fun).
Granted, we're pinching pennies this Christmas--we're even sort of poor (but rich in love, happiness, blah, blah). But I might have to start socking away the pennies for a purely indulgent gift.

What? Me remember Get Smart? I wasn't even born yet.
Would you believe I was one?
Oh, Eric, thanks for making me laugh at seven in the morning. And no, I would not believe that you were one. :)
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