Now I've graduated to writing books, which requires hours at a keyboard on a regular basis. When I'm not writing I often have to catch up with reading, both for business and pleasure. I'm a teacher, which means more reading and more computer time--handouts, tests, quizzes. Added to all of these tasks that require sitting, I enjoy watching television. We are a big tv family--we have our favorite sitcoms, and then we enjoy watching DVDs that we get from Netflix.
You get the idea. Both my husband and I have come to the realization, between looking at photos of ourselves and listening to stern warnings from our doctor, that we need to make some changes. We need to move, before our bodies freeze or fossilize, and we need to eat less fat. We're not thrilled about either of these things, but we've committed to make wiser decisions, to be more abstemious for the sake of health.
So I thought I'd extend the challenge to any blog readers out there. Who would like to join me for a one-month how-much-better-shape-can-you-get-in-by-April-17 challenge? We can support one another through those chocolate craving times, those times when we think "You know what would be fun? Sitting in this chair for hours."
By April 17 we'll know just how much self-discipline we have, and we can share tips with one another. Community support helps, and it's free (at least here it is).
And if we do well in that one month? It will encourage us, of course, to sign on for another month, and get used to the new habits that we're forming. The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and all that.
Who's with me?
Okay, readers, the silence is deafening. :)
I must admit, it's day two and I'm craving everything on earth. And I haven't done my physical activity yet. But I'm working on it!
Julia - you won't believe this - but I'm in your *exact* same situation. Decided *yesterday* to join the local health club and tonight is my first visit as a spanking new member. I hope to get over the newbie jitters quickly and perhaps join a class or two in the weeks to come.
It came down to the realization that I'm not going to get stronger, or in better health by just sitting here. I have small bones and a history of nasty osteo problems in the family. Plus all this sitting is making my legs complain when I walk too long. This is it. My new change. I just think it's unbelievable that you and I made similar pacts one day apart.
Good luck to us both!
We'll have to check in with each other now and then and see how we're doing!
Good for you!
Ouch. Very sore today. I could only make it through about half the machines. Still, the soreness is proof that I'm following the right path - just as receiving rejection letters are proof that I'm following my dream of being a writer.
Yeah. That'll work for me today. It's really all just mind games, isn't it?
Editors have the same problem!
I'm in. Although does it matter that I've been on WW for over a year? I don't go to meetings, just follow the program.
The eating healthy seems to be under control (only took a year to become second nature...). The exercise...that's the current challenge.
There are some great, helpful resources out there, that you probably already know. hungrygirl.com is amazing for healthy food ideas. And I just discovered bootcampbuddies.com
Well, you look great to me, Barbara, but of course we all have to keep fit. I am the worst when it comes to battling those sedentary tendencies. I'll think of you and Julie when I'm walking. :) And I'll check out Hungry Girl!
Hope the soreness recedes, Julie!
Count me in! Come spring, I said to myself all winter, I'll begin walking. Guess what? It's here. No more excuses.
Oh, I know, Deborah. I am the queen of making promises. I didn't walk yet today, although I still plan to do some calisthenics. (Note the word "plan.") Also I ate a candy bar today. But when we fall of the horse, we must get back on. :)
Yes, I "planned" to walk when I got home last night. Oh well. BUT, I did walk up from the 3rd floor (where the parking is) to the 6th floor in my building today after lunch. We won't talk about spaghetti legs afterward, however. :)
Good for you! Walking is walking. I understand the noodle legs. And when I run up the stairs to my classroom, it's always embarrassing how out of breath I am when I'm confronted with lots of fit young people who can run two miles without breathing hard (I'm guessing).
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