Sort of. The reality for teachers, much to the surprise of some not in the profession, is that many of them don't really have summers off. They have second, even third jobs, the hours of which merely expand now that they have more availability. Teachers like me are also still slogging away at that master's degree (I'm on the 1000 year plan), so we take classes and teach classes, and really it's not much like being on vacation at all.
Still, I have tomorrow off, and it will be nice to sit in my air conditioned house while the heat bakes my back yard. Maybe I'll read a book. But what I really need to do is clean my house, and that, I assure you, is also nothing like a summer vacation. :)
My dad taught school so I get angry whenever I hear idiots carrying on about how teachers are overpaid and have so much free time. Enjoy what time you do have, though.
Schoooool's out for summer! kind of...
I was there until almost 4 to make sure I didn't have to go back until summer camp starts.
Ohio here I come!!
Thanks, Eric! You can relate.
Pam, have a nice journey.
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