Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Colin Firth and Me

There is actually no link between Colin Firth and me, aside from the fact that I like him and he in turn is liked by me. :)

But today is his birthday, and I have been a fan of his since first I saw him as Mr. Darcy in PRIDE AND PREJUDICE. Since then he has played many compelling leading men. Ironically, he is turning 48, which is the age of my husband (and the latter assures me that he looks far better than Colin Firth. We'll let him go with that assumption).


Julie Hyzy said...

Hey Julia -- did you ever see Colin Firth in "Love Actually"? I think that's my favorite of his roles.

If you have seen it, all I'll say is "Just in cases," and you'll understand. Love that movie!


Julia Buckley said...

Oh, yes--what a wonderful role! He is so utterly loveable (actually). :)

Have you seen him in Mama Mia? There's a scene during the rolling of the final credits that is just priceless.