This is the same cat who bit me a couple of months ago, sending me to urgent care for antibiotics and a tetanus shot. (He was hurt, so I've MOSTLY forgiven him for biting me).
He's recovered well, as you can see, and is back to being cat-like.
If only I could train him to do office chores. I might be a bit less reluctant to share the space if he could claw through some invoices. What do you think? After all, people train their cats to use toilets and things like that. :)
Your cat doesn't pay the bills? I'm shocked. Our cat not only pays the bills but sets up our budget, does the laundry and cleans windows not to mention she rotates the tires on the car and changes the oil...oh wait...that was all a dream...excuse me, I forgot to give the cat it's treats....
"it's"...the cat made me type that....
Yeah, I have dreams like that, too. :)
But at least our cats keep us humble.
What is it with us writers and our cats? Mine are all over my office - I have three of them - and one likes to get in a desk drawer where the envelopes are. If I don't open it for him, he does it himself. :-) And then when I need to mail invoices to clients, I have to wipe off the cat hair before I print addresses. Does John care? Only if he is napping on the envelopes when I need one. :-)
I have three, two! It seems cat lovers can't stop with just one. This kingly cat is my oldest, and growing grouchier by the day.
Your pride of felines sounds just as imperious as mine. And what is their fascination with offices? I think it's just the fact that we're in them. :)
I mean "too."
I'm using Eric's excuse--the cat made me do that.
My cat used to jump on my desk while I was writing my first novel. It irritated me, but now I suspect she may have been part of my inspiration.
Goodness knows we'll take the Muse in any form, right?
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