"In the midst of winter I discovered that there was within me an eternal spring."
--Albert Camus
Ah, Albair, thank you for arming me with a philosophy that will ease me through this day and through this relentless snow!
My car has died. It sits forlornly in a 7-11 parking lot, awaiting its fate (a tow truck). Now the future is uncertain--rides to work, to school. Meetings on the calendar. And the coldest weather on record predicted for the week.
Thanks to Camus I have achieved a certain resignation--a philosophical distance from my transportation problem that makes it rather funny. How long, really, did I expect my ten-year-old caravan to last? This long? :)
I know that however it is resolved I will be able to rely on that eternal spring of which Camus wrote so poetically. His words are my comfort on this cold winter day.
Old cars and winter are a bad combination, as I know only too well. Sorry to hear about that. We're having a cold spell too. Wish I could hibernate until April, or even next Monday. Thanks for the quote though.I'm looking inside me. I might need an ice pick, but I'm looking!
Now THAT reminds me of another great quote from Franz Kafka:
"A book should be an ice pick to break up the frozen sea within us."
I can't escape the literary quotations today. :)
That's a gorgeous photo -- suitable for framing. Did you take it?
Pat Browning
I did take it, Pat! I love pictures of icy things. This is a tree right in front of my house.
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