Part of the deal of getting the Sisterhood award is to pay the award forward to other blogs that I enjoy reading. In Kaye's words, "This is an award from bloggers, to bloggers, in recognition of a blog spot which shows great attitude and/or gratitude."
First I must acknowledge the fine writing of Eric Mayer (who co-writes with Mary Reed) on his Byzantine Blog. His posts are always enjoyable and impeccably written. Martin Edwards' blog is a great way to keep in touch with the British crime writing that I love. Lesa Holstene's blog is a must-read for the well-read individual; Lesa keeps me up to date about new releases and the books she loves on Lesa's Book Critiques. And as a Chicago-area person, I have to mention the wonderful Chicago crime writers' blog called The Outfit. The stellar group who posts here includes Barbara D'Amato, Sean Chercover, Michael Allen Dymmoch, Kevin Guilfoyle, Libby Hellmann, Sara Paretsky, and Markus Sakey.
The Rap Sheet is another staple in the mystery lover's blog library (or whatever a group of blogs is called). J. Kingston Pierce is the editor of this all-things-mystery online magazine. I love Cindy Fey's blog; she's not a mystery writer, but a writer she is, and her posts about family and life are often amusing and sometimes heartwrenching.
There are so many others I could write here--if you look at my blog links, you will see some of the other blogs that I read and love.
Thanks again to Kaye for her sisterhood, and I hope you enjoy peeking at these blogs.
Thank you, Julia! I appreciate the comments about Lesa's Book Critiques. A must read to keep you up-to-date is wonderful!
It's a great blogging sisterhood, isn't it? I received this award on Sunday, so I'm not posting it again, but I wanted to let you know that I do care. I appreciate the recognition.
Well, that's great. May your nominations keep rolling in. :)
Thanks very much! I'll post about this soon. Weirdly enough I just passed on another award and was naughty in not immediately contacting everyone. (Well, I was intending to get around to it!)
Anyway, the idea was to identify 15 bloggers for a Premio Dardos:
And...uh...Mysterious Musings is there, so we are trading awards without realizing it or something!
How funny, Eric! And I see we both nominated Martin Edwards. :)
On behalf of the OUtfit, many thanks, Julia! It's so nice to be recognized, isn't it? And congratulations to you, too. Consider me slightly ignorant, but what's the procedure going forward? Do we pay it forward as well? We'd be happy to participate.
Yes--Barb can forward you the e-mail I sent her. I just copied Kaye's instructions. :) You choose five-ten blogs that you appreciate, that show a good attitude, or reveal gratitude.
Julia - Thank you for this award, for the kind words and the linky love! Right back atcha and I ditto your Premio Dardos, too!
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