Today is my husband's birthday. He was born in 1960. In his honor, I'll reflect on some of the things that happened that year (besides the birth of little Jeffrey).
January 1 - Cameroon gains its independence.
January 22 - In France, President Charles de Gaulle fires Jacques Massun, commander-in-chief for the French troops in Algeria.
January 22-January 23 - Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh descend into the Marianas Trench in the bathyscape Trieste, reaching the depth of 10,916 meters.
January 23 - Jacques Piccard and Don Walsh, in the bathyscaphe USS Trieste, break a depth record when they descend to the bottom of Challenger Deep, 35,820 feet (10,750 meters) below sea level in the Pacific Ocean.
January 24 - A major insurrection occurs in Algiers against French colonial policy.
January 25 - The National Association of Broadcasters reacts to the Payola scandal by threatening fines for any disc jockeys who accepted money for playing particular records.
February 1 - In Greensboro, N.C., four black students from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College begin a sit-in at a segregated Woolworth's lunch counter. Although they are refused service, they are allowed to stay at the counter. The event triggers many similar nonviolent protests throughout the South, and 6 months later the original four protesters are served lunch at the same counter.
February 10 — In Brussels, a conference about Congo independence begins.
February 11 — Twelve Indian soldiers die in clashes with Chinese troops at the border.
February 11 — The airship ZPG-3W is destroyed in a storm in Massachusetts.
February 13 — Nuclear testing: France tests its first atomic bomb in the Sahara.
February 18 — The 1960 Winter Olympics open in Squaw Valley, California.
February 29-March 1 (night) — An earthquake totally destroys Agadir, Morocco
March 3 — Elvis Presley returns home from Germany, after being away on duty for 2 years.
March 6 — Vietnam War: The United States announces that 3,500 American soldiers are going to be sent to Vietnam.
March 6 — The Canton of Geneva in Switzerland gives women the right to vote.
March 21 — Apartheid: Massacre in Sharpeville, South Africa: Afrikaner police open fire on a group of unarmed black South African demonstrators, killing 69 and wounding 180.
March 22 — Arthur Leonard Schawlow & Charles Hard Townes receive the first patent for a laser.
March 23 — Nikita Khrushchev meets Charles De Gaulle in Paris.
April 12 — Eric Peugeot, youngest son of the founder of Peugeot, is kidnapped in Paris. Kidnappers release him April 15 in exchange for $300,000 ransom.
April 13 — The USA launches navigation satellite Transat I-b.
April 13 - The Blue Streak missile is cancelled, heralding an end to the United Kingdom's imperial ambitions.
April 16 — Gunman David Pratt attacks South African Prime Minister Henrik Verwoerd in Johannesburg, wounding him seriously.
April 16 - The Times of London abandons use of the term "Imperial and Foreign News", replacing it with "Overseas News", and changes its house style from "to-day" to "today".
April 18 - On the campaign trail in West Virginia, Senator John F. Kennedy says, in reply to a question about his Roman Catholic faith, "I don't think that my religion is anyone's business."

May 6 - President Dwight Eisenhower signed the Civil Rights Act of 1960 into law.
May 9 — Reproductive rights: The Food and Drug Administration approves the sale of the birth control pill.
May 10 — The nuclear submarine USS Nautilus completes the first underwater circumnavigation of the Earth.
May 15 — Sputnik 4 is launched into Earth orbit.
May 16 — Nikita Khrushchev demands an apology from U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower for U-2 spy plane flights over the Soviet Union, thus ending a Big Four summit in Paris.
May 16 — Theodore Maiman operates the first laser.
May 20 — In Japan, police carry away Socialist members of the Diet; Parliament then approves a security treaty with the United States
June 4 — The Lake Bodom murders occur in Finland.
June 9 — Typhoon Mary kills 1600 in the Fukien province of China.
June 15 — Violent demonstrations occur at Tokyo University — police arrest 182; 589 are injured.
June 30 — Belgian Congo gains independence from Belgium — civil war follows.
June 30 - Public demonstrations by democratic and left forces, against Italian government support of the post-fascist Italian Social Movement, are heavily suppressed by police.
July 4 — Following the admission of Hawaii as the 50th U.S. state the previous year, the 50-star flag of the United States debuts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
July 11 - U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy is nominated for U.S. President at the DeJuly 20 — Sri Lanka (then Ceylon) elects Sirimavo Bandaranaike Prime Minister, the world's first elected female head of government.
July 21 — Francis Chichester, English navigator and yachtsman, arrives in New York aboard Gypsy Moth II — he has made a record solo Atlantic crossing in 40 days.
July 25 -- The Woolworth's counter in Greensboro, North Carolina, the subject of a sit-in which sparked sit-ins and pickets across the southern United States in February of 1960, serves its first black customer.
July 27 — The OECD is founded.
mocratic National Convention in Los Angeles, California.
August 6 — In Congo, Albert Kalonji declares the independence of the Autonomous State of South Kasai.
August 7 — Côte d'Ivoire becomes independent.
August 9 — Singapore becomes independent.
August 11 — Chad becomes independent.
August 13 - Central African Republic becomes independent.
August 15 - Congo-Brazzaville becomes independent.
August 16 — Joseph Kittinger parachutes from a balloon over New Mexico at 102,800 feet (31,333 m). He sets unbeaten (as of 2005) world records for: high-altitude jump; free-fall by falling 16 miles (25.7 km) before opening his parachute; and fastest speed by a human without motorized assistance, 982 km/h (614 mi/h).
August 16 — Cyprus gains its independence from the United Kingdom.
August 17 — Gabon gains independence from France.
August 19 — Sputnik program: The Soviet Union launches Sputnik 5, with the dogs Belka and Strelka (Russian for "Squirrel" and "Little Arrow"), 40 mice, 2 rats and a variety of plants. The spacecraft returns to earth the next day and all animals are recovered safely.
August 20 — Senegal breaks from the Mali Federation, declaring independence.
August 25 — The 1960 Summer Olympics open in Rome.
September 5 — Cassius Clay wins the gold medal in boxing at the Rome Olympic Games.
September 5 — Congo president Joseph Kasavubu fires Patrice Lumumba's government and places him under house arrest.
September 8 — In Huntsville, Alabama, U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower formally dedicates the Marshall Space Flight Center (NASA had already activated the facility on July 1).
September 14 — Colonel Joseph Mobutu takes power in Congo in a military coup.
September 14 — Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Venezuela form OPEC.
September 22 - Mali, sole remaining member of the Mali Federation following the withdrawal of Senegal a month earlier, declares full independence as the Republic of Mali.
September 26 — The 2 leading U.S. presidential candidates, Richard M. Nixon and John F. Kennedy, participate in the first televised presidential debate.

October 8--Little Jeff Buckley was born in Chicago, Illinois.
October 12 — Cold War: Nikita Khrushchev pounds his shoe on a table at a United Nations General Assembly meeting, to protest discussion of Soviet Union policy toward Eastern Europe.
October 12 — Otoya Yamaguchi assassinates Inejiro Asanuma, chairman of the Japanese Socialist Party.
October 14 — U.S. presidential candidate John F. Kennedy first suggests the idea for the Peace Corps.
October 24 — A rocket explodes in the Baikonur Space Center during fueling, killing 91.
October 26 - Robert F. Kennedy calls Coretta Scott King, wife of Dr. Martin Luther King, and secures his release from jail on a traffic violation in Atlanta, Georgia.
October 29 — In Louisville, Kentucky, Cassius Clay (who later took the name Muhammad Ali) wins his first professional fight.
October 30 — Michael Woodruff performs the first successful kidney transplant in the United Kingdom, at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.
November 1 — While campaigning for President of the United States, John F. Kennedy announces his idea of the Peace Corps.
November 2 — Penguin Books is found not guilty of obscenity in the Lady Chatterley's Lover case.
November 8 — U.S. presidential election, 1960: In a close race, John F. Kennedy is elected over Richard M. Nixon, becoming the youngest man elected to that office.
November 13 — Sammy Davis, Jr. marries Swedish actress May Britt. Interracial marriage is still illegal in 31 U.S. states out of 50.
November 14 - Belgium threatens to leave the United Nations, due to criticism of its Congo policy.
November 15 — The Polaris missile is test-launched.
November 22 — The United Nations supports the government of Joseph Kasavubu and Joseph Mobutu in Congo.
November 28 — Mauritania becomes independent of France.
November 30 — Production of the DeSoto automobile brand ceases.
December 2 — The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Rev. Geoffrey Francis Fisher, talks with Pope John XXIII for about an hour in the Vatican. It is the first time in more than 500 years that a head of the Anglican Church had visited the Pope.
December 15 — Royal wedding in Belgium: King Baudouin of Belgium marries Doña Fabiola de Mora y Aragon.
December 16 — U.S. Secretary of State Christian Herter announces that the United States will commit 5 atomic submarines and 80 Polaris missiles to NATO by the end of 1963.
December 16 — 1960 New York air disaster: United Airlines DC-8 collides with a TWA Super-Constellation over Staten Island, New York City. All 128 passengers and crew on both planes are killed, as are 6 persons on the ground.
December 17 — Troops loyal to Haile Selassie I in Ethiopia suppress the revolt that started on December 13, and give power back to their leader upon his return from Brazil. Haile Selassie absolves his son of any guilt.
December 19 — Fire sweeps through the USS Constellation, the U.S.'s largest aircraft carrier, while it is under construction at a Brooklyn Navy Yard pier, injuring 150 and killing 50.
December 20 — Discoverer XIX is launched into polar orbit from Vandenberg Air Force Base, to measure radiation.
December 27 — France sets off its third nuclear test blast at its atomic proving grounds at Reggane, Algeria.
(Site Source:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1960)
1 comment:
Holy Cow, that was a year-and-a-half in a one year bucket! Or something like that!
Happy Birthday, Jeff!
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