Monday, October 30, 2006

Those Unexpected Writing Moments

I was all dressed for work today when my son tottered down the stairs, weak and trembly from some virus or other. I had to call in sick, and now there he sits, watching the obligatory sickness cartoons while the cat lounges at his side, momentarily loyal. While Graham gets back his strength I find myself with time I didn't think I'd have!

So it's back inside the three books I'm reading (one for homework) and then a chore here or there (a brief blog, as you see), and then--maybe, if the planets are in proper alignment and the boy doesn't grow more ill--some writing!

But first I must go do my Florence Nightingale routine. Graham says he has a terrible taste in his mouth, so I must find some food that will counteract that flu-ey feeling.

But surely there will be some time in the afternoon . . . .


Anonymous said...

Thinking of daytime game shows makes me feel ill because that's what I used to watch when I was home sick as a kid.

Julia Buckley said...

Ooh, and my mom used to make this stuff we called jello water, which was the warm jello before it cooled and gelled. Supposedly this helped a fever. Yuck.

Anonymous said...

I used to love warm Jello water! OMG! But I hear ya, Eric, about game shows. Blech!

Jessica Lourey said...

Did you write?

Julia Buckley said...

Good question, Jess! The answer is yes and no. I wrote a paper for class, not any sort of fun fiction. So alas, I am not much farther along. :0