I thought it would be fun to get my students a little memento of their reading of Shakespeare and began scanning the net for a likely trinket. I found these and thought they were cute, until I noticed the egregious error. Shakespeare fans, you might feel a desire to light a torch and march toward this company with righteous literary indignation!
I guess if you're in the business of selling stuff, you're not necessarily in the business of reading Shakespeare. :)
They'll be collector's items one day.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
That in itself is sad, Peter. :0
Those flowers appear to be carnations, which are NOT as sweet smelling as a rose. They've got the quote and the flowers wrong. If Shakespeare fans don't get them, maybe the floral industry will!
Mary Beth
All they need is to attribute the passage to Christopher Marlowe instead of Shakespeare.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Hahahaha. Yes, they are cheap as well, Mary Beth!
And Peter, if they were sophisticated enough to make that joke, I might forgive them.
Maybe we three should start our own business selling clever Shakespearean gifts. How about a "Weird Sisters" homemade soup mix? :)
I'm thinking Lady Macbeth Spot Remover.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
You mention soup...it's one of those snow days to make it. So, I did. Can I be in the group.
"Mc" Mary Beth
NO, I'm thinking...It should not be soup or spot remover. We should be florists. Shakespeare is known for using various flowers/plants in his works. Think about it...
Mary Beth
Peter, you crack me up! But all the perfumes of Arabia . . .
Mary Beth, excellent point! I actually have a book called "Shakespeare's flowers" which reveals beautiful glossy photos of all the blooms he references in his works. We could be the Shakespearean florist for those who simply love Will--or merely for those who are rather pretentious. :)
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