My sons have chosen to spend the day fighting, so like any survivor, I am trying to stick to lowland ditches and the occasional lean-to in order to avoid being drawn into the fray. :)
But my mom and sister rescued me at one point and took me out to lunch, and that was a nice distraction for us all. People with boys will understand that Christmas vacation is about two weeks too long . . .
But happy birthday to me anyway.
Happy Birthday Julia. Nah, we never old, maybe aolder than last year, but more experienced is how I like to think of it.
A very happy birthday to you Julia! What a lovely picture. I enjoy all you Northerners sharing your winter with us Southerners. Get thee to a bubble bath and a good book for a treat!
Happy Birthday, Julia. I hope you've had a great day!
Happy Birthday, Julia. I hope you've had a great day!
Thanks, Lee! Twice told means doubly true. Thanks, Mystery Dawg! I do feel my experience bone growing.
Kay, that's downright Shakespearean of you! But the book and bath sounds like a dynamite combo. :)
Doubly true. Yeah, that's it. Either that or I'm old and forgot I hit publish the first time.
That's okay--my online record is four. I got impatient with my computer and kept hitting send, and then my impatience was recorded for all to see. :)
YAY! Happy Birthday Julia! Have a Snoopy Dance on me! :D
Yeah, Julia!! Happy Happy Birthday! You know everyone is partying today because of you, don't you?
Thanks, Ria. I'm doing it now. :)
Cindy, that is how I like to view it. Especially since my own children were not all that impressed by my advancing another year. I should have had girls, like you. :)
Happy Birthday!
Great scenery, especially since I don't have to be out driving through it.
That's funny, because we were terrified to drive in it at the time. Lots of sliding. :)
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