Emma Thompson won my heart long ago, when she made this Oscar speech:
In dedicating her award to women and their potential, Thompson not only earned my devotion, but made an important statement to Hollywood. Women still struggle, of course, to find roles that are as good, as powerful, as those written for men. Thompson herself has played many memorable roles, and she wrote some, as well, in her Oscar-winning script for Sense and Sensibility.
Today Emma Thompson, born in 1959, celebrates a birthday. I hope she's spending time with family and friends, and that while she contemplates those birthday candles she is dreaming of the great roles still to come.
Maybe one of them will be that awesome British detective.
I desperately wanted to have a girl so I could name her Emma. Emma Thompson, Emma Lazaras, Emma Goldman, Emma Darwin.......
And did you have a girl and name her Emma? Don't leave us in suspense! :)
What a great clip! You've set the stage for my day. Thank you.
Sure, Jess. It is an inspiring speech, which is why I've remembered it all these years. And now thanks to U-Tube I can re-remember it. :)
Emma Peel. Thanks for sharing this. She is an inspiration.
I LOVE Emma Peel, Patti! Even more than Tara King. Now I feel like finding an Avengers clip. :)
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