Does it entice you? :)
Marshal also mentions my orphaned novel, Madeline Mann, which was cut by the publisher four weeks before its release, rendering my year and a half of promotion rather pointless and expensive. The book had received nice reviews from Kirkus and Library Journal, which Marshal generously pointed out.
I finally got the book, Julia! And free no less because Borders didn't get it in their promised seven days! I'm thoroughly enjoying it and wondering why it isn't a bestseller in today's world?! I mean, does it hit close to home? Gee.
Stop by and read about new author, Dana Fredsti, and The Peruvian Pigeon.
Thanks so much, Dani! You made my day.
And yes, the more time goes by, the more this governor seems to have parallels to a certain other governor. :)
Maybe Hollywood will take notice. But I appreciate your comment!
Have you found a home for MM? I emailed you that Poisoned Pen Press was seeking mss in case you're interested.
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