My sons, ages 13 and 9, also told me that they think time is hurtling--but I remember being their age and thinking that it couldn't pass quickly enough, that it crept along.
So what is this new time, in which even children who should enjoy the leisure of endless summer days think that time passes too quickly? Is it actually accelerating without our knowledge? Where is Einstein when I need him?
I have not signed my children up for anything--not sports, not camps, not classes. I just wanted them to be able to relax. Still, though, they feel there is not enough time in the day. I wonder at this urgency we all feel.
Is this a personal phenomenon, or have you noticed it, too?
(photo: wildflowers in front of my neighbor's garage.)
Flowers that are not usually up for another month have arrived. It's scary. Are we being prepared?
Giving your kids the summer off sounds like a fantastic idea. I remember when summers seemed to last forever. In June it seemed like school would never start again -- or at least not within any forseeable period of the future.
We aren't that busy either but the summer is flashing by us way too fast! It just isn't fair!!! I was at at Walgreens over the weekend and they had a whole isle of school supplies!! Didn't we just finish school!!
I couldn't agree with you more! We don't have too much going on but the summer is flashing by us. Maybe cause we had such a HARSH winter? I was at Walgreens over the weekend and they had a whole isle of school supplies out already! Didn't we just finish school?
We aren't that busy either but the summer is flashing by us way too fast! It just isn't fair!!! I was at at Walgreens over the weekend and they had a whole isle of school supplies!! Didn't we just finish school!!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who experiences this phenomenon. My life is on accelerate, and somehow my boys got big. But that's interesting about the flowers, Patti!
And Eric, I'm with you. Summers were long leisurely times that I can still remember. I don't know that kids today have that same perception.
Michelle,you're right! Why must our society perpetuate this notion with seasonal merchandise sold WELL before the season?
Mostly I agree that time is going faster than it used to. There may be more pressure now to accomplish more or something.
However, since adopting a new baby in April, there were a few times at 2 a.m. in the morning when I found that time can still crawl...
Ah, yes, I remember those--time seems to actually stand still and the baby seems to grow more and more AWAKE, and returning to bed seems like a distant and forgotten pleasure.
But congratulations on adopting your new baby!
When I was a kid, time really did crawl least until the last few weeks or days of vacation. Then it seemed to accelerate like crazy.
I know, and I really DREADED school, with a deep and horrible dread. :)
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