My friend Lisa sent me a web game which asked me to identify number patterns and then told me how "old" my brain was. It was refreshing to hear (although from an anonymous web game) that my brain is a babyish 25.
Give it a try yourself! Click here.
Then share the age of your brain. I'm curious to know if anyone gets back down into the childhood region. :)
Wouldn't mind, but the link came up in Japanese. ???
It is a Japanese site, but there should be a little button that says 'start,' and after that it's all numbers.
I did the one that popped up that flashed numbers and you had to click on them in order after they disappeared. I got 20, but have no idea if that's within normal, above average, tremendous or hopeless since the comments are in Japanese. It was an interesting game, though. I don't think it's the one you were describing as I couldn't see how it would relate to childhood, more short term memory, which is important.
I did it twice. The first time my brain was 56 - and I'm 58. The second time I did it, my brain was 29. I think practice helps.
It's kind of addictive, though, isn't it Jody? I'm a sucker for those interactive clicker games. :)
scroll to the bottom of the offers an English verson
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