Our cat, Mr. Mulliner, is in continuous quest for the highest place in the house. He almost found it here, on top of the bookshelf in my sons' playroom. He also enjoys camouflaging himself. Here he is just one of the stuffed animals . . . or so he would have us believe.
We have also found him in piles of laundry and inside discarded grocery bags. He seems to be practicing his spy skills, but for what, I wonder? :)
He climbed it because it was there.
You're right--it's his nature. For the same reason, my cat who was attacked is already trying to sneak back outside to be attacked again.
Awwwww!!! There is nothing cuter than a cat hiding with stuffed animals...
He is cute. At least this cat isn't dying to get outside and fight all living creatures. :)
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