What a relief it is to have gotten it all down on paper, every little detail and theme that I wanted to express. I would be doing a spritely little dance, but it's 95 and I have to drive to class tonight in a car with no air conditioner, so that sort of balances things out.
You might ask, "But Julia, why have you included a twelve-year-old picture of your son wearing family heirloom lederhosen?"
I could say that the text and the graphic have absolutely nothing to do with each other and that I just thought it was a cute picture--which is true. But there is one tenuous link between them. In my new book is a little boy named Charlie, and I pictured him looking a lot like this.
Okay, off to look at the house I haven't cleaned in two weeks. :)
Congratulations! The finish line is a great feeling, isn't it!!
Thanks, Cindy! And how is your book coming along?
Congrats, Julia!
What a fabulous feeling. Enjoy!
Well done, Julia! Don't you just love milestone moments? It's like reaching the top of the Empire State, or is that the Sears Tower in your case?
Thanks, Julie and JWhit! It is like climbing the sears tower, but only metaphorically. I am afraid of heights. :)
What an adorable photo!! Mazel Tov to you! What an accomplishment!! Like Cindy said, The finish line is a great feeling!
Thanks, Michelle! I'll keep you updated. :)
Yay Julia! And with time to spare before school starts. (:
When is the book out? Are you doing a blog book tour for it? Can I host, huh-huh? (standing at back of the classroom, frantically waving her hand!)
The lederhosen picture reminds me way too much of my poor brothers. ;)
I would love that--but I haven't even sent the book to my agent yet. We'll see what she says, and then YES, I'd love to have you do a tour!
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