Saturday, May 30, 2009

Inundated by Events

It used to be that the end of the school year brought a pleasant, things-are-winding-down sort of feeling. One had time to sit and say "Ah" and contemplate all that the year had been.

This year, though, nothing is winding down. No one told me that as children get older life gets MORE complicated, not less. They have individual schedules, events, bills that go on well into the summer. My husband and I find ourselves going from work to chauffering duties to wallet-emptying sessions on a regular basis. When we find ourselves alone, we find ourselves exhausted.

Still, I'm glad that it's the end of the school year. I anticipate that someday soon I will, in fact, have my AH moment on my backyard patio. Except that I am such a TYPE A person that I will start to notice the weeds growing through the cracks in the bricks, and then I'll feel compelled to pull them out.

Someone teach me to relax in one easy lesson. :)


Alan Orloff said...

"No one told me that as children get older life gets MORE complicated, not less."

Tis true. But don't worry, at some point they'll move away :)

And then, later, they'll take care of us when we're old and decrepit. At least that's what I keep telling myself.

Julia Buckley said...

Alan, that's assuming we make it to the old and decrepit stage. :)

I know I'll miss them when they move away, but I will have a clean house again . . .