Friday, August 14, 2009

Braving the Falls

Women fearing foreclosure should consider the brave act of Anna Edson Taylor, the first woman to survive going over Niagara Falls alone in a barrel. (October 24, 1901). I assume this means some women did it before her and did not survive. Why the desire to get into a barrel and brave the brutal falls?

Well, Anna did it for the cash reward. She put that money toward a loan which was due on her ranch in Texas.

I cannot say I would risk death to help pay my mortgage, but I really admire Anna's ability to think outside the box and inside the barrel.

Nowadays if women wanted to make quick cash in a public way to pay a looming bill I suppose they could seek notoriety on reality tv or a game show or something, but I don't think these require the same mixture of bravery and insanity that Anna had to show in order to save her ranch.

image link here


Eric Mayer said...

Wild. Maybe it makes sense. If she didn't survive to get the reward she wouldn't need the house.

Eric Mayer said...

Wild. Maybe it makes sense. If she didn't survive to get the reward she wouldn't need the house.

Julia Buckley said...

I guess so! But can you imagine getting yourself into that state of mind? She must have reached an almost existential acceptance.